The Be (Happy) Attitudes: 8 Positive Attitudes That Can Transform Your Life


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Robert Schuller
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Many seek happiness in wealth, fame,relationships, even drugs-and, of course, they fail. How CANwe be happy? In his most inspirationalbest-selling book to date, Dr. Robert H. Schuller, thespiritual host of the weekly telecast The Hour ofPower, probes the Beatitudes for theanswer-and discovers eight universal positive mentalattitudes that have been used for their healing valuethrough the ages. Through them, you can make realhappiness trulypossible.

The Be (Happy) Attitudes

1) I Need Help-I Can't Do It Alone. Learn twomiracle-working statements: I need help and I am sorry.
2) I'mReally Hurting-But I Am Going ToBounce Back. Learn that when bad things happen togood people, they become betterpeople.
3) I'm Going To Remain Cool, Calm,And Corrected. Blessed are theMeek... is a poortranslation. Meek in the Bible means: mighty,stable. kind,
4)I Really Want ToDo The Right Thing. Learn how toadopt a Go for it attitude toward yourlife and dreams.
5) I'mGoing To Treat Others The Way I Want Them To TreatMe. Learn how to heal your hiddenwounds, and allow them to turn you into a betterperson.
6) I've Got To Let TheFaith Flow Free Through Me. Learn howto know God better and overcome doubt. Faith makeslove a possibility. Love makes miracleshappen.
7) I'm Going To Be A BridgeBuilder. Learn how to make peace withyourself before becoming a peacemaker for others. Learn how to remain positive andpardon those who persecute you, even when all elsefails.