The Beginners Bible (Bilingual) / La Biblia para principiantes (Bilinge): Timeless Children's Stories (Spanish Edition)


$17.54 - $23.54
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Spanish: Published; Spanish: Original Language; Spanish
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Este es el best seller Bblico favorito de los nios con ms de 5 millones de copias vendidas. Contiene excelente material educativo para que los nios aprendan a leer a travs de todas las historias de la Biblia. Sus imgenes y personajes, llenas de colores y diversin cautivarn su atencin, llevndolos a descubrir el mensaje divino para ellos. Adems de ensearles la Palabra de Dios, sus textos cortos y de letra grande, tomados de la Santa Biblia NVI, facilitarn todo el proceso de lectura. La Biblia para principiantes se ha convertido en la mejor manera de aprender y conocer la Palabra de Dios, para millones de nios. Por ello lleg a ganar en el Retailers Choice Awards 2006, en la categora de No Ficcin para Nios. Incluye: Ms de 90 Historias Bblicas. Historias del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento Imgenes con colores vivos para nios. Textos cortos y con letra grande. Textos tomados de la Biblia Nueva Versin Internacional (NVI). Tamao especial para nios. Tapa dura. The Beginners Bible This is the children's favorite Biblical bestseller with over 5 million copies sold. It contains excellent educational material for children to read through all the stories of the Bible. Its images and characters, full of colors and fun, will captivate their attention leading them to discover the divine message for them. In addition to teaching them the Word of God, their short and large-printed texts, taken from the NIV Holy Bible, will make the entire reading process easier. The Beginner's Bible has become the best way to learn and know the Word of God for millions of children. For this reason it won in the Retailers Choice Awards 2006, in the Non-fiction Childrens category. It includes: More than 90 Biblical Stories. Old and New Testament Stories. Brightly colored images for children. Short and large-printed texts. Texts taken from the New International Version Bible (NIV). Special size for children. Hardcover.