Investigate and resolve common workplace complaints and problems
The Essential Guide to Workplace Investigations is both a legal and practical book, packed with tips and strategies that will help you sort out your workplace problems, quickly, and effectively. Use this affordable, step-by-step guide to investigate and resolve every kind of workplace problem, including common issues such as harassment, employee theft, and workplace violence.
This thorough guide provides all the plain-English forms, sample policies, checklists, and sample documentation that managers, supervisors, business owners, and human resources professionals need to conduct a successful investigation that will stand up in court. Get the facts on:
The 2nd edition of The Essential Guide to Workplace Investigationsincludes a brand new chapter on investigating employee substance abuse, plus updated charts and legal resources for all 50 states. It also incorporates the latest legal developments in employment law, including changes to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and important Supreme Court decisions on age discrimination, age retaliation, and more. All forms, as well as sample audio interviews and scenarios, are included on a CD-ROM.