It's hip to be square-and that's why The Legend of Spookley has sold more than 100,000 copies so far! And now it comes with a free CD.
Spookley was different.
He was odd,
he was rare.
Spookley the pumpkin wasn't round-
he was...square!
A very unique pumpkin delivers a special message of tolerance and self-acceptance that's just right for Halloween...and every day of the year. Plus, the book comes with a FREE CD that features the famous Bobby Boris Pickett (of Monster Mash fame) reading the story and singing songs--including one from the upcoming Spookley film!
What's going on in the pumpkin patch? Well, a very unusual pumpkin has hatched. While all others are round, Spookley is square. He's not like his friends-they have curves, he has ends. And so everyone teases him, night and day.
But just before Halloween, the weather turns stormy. Winds toss the round pumpkins to and fro, and off they go, crashing and bashing and smashing--except Spookley. Can he, with his square little body, save the day?
A delicious story about how good being different can be. And the imaginative end--a patch filled with all sorts of oddly shaped and colorful pumpkins--will thoroughly delight kids!