With money and hope in short supply, newly minted attorney Brigham Theodore decides its time to lower his standards. He joins a seedy fly-by-night firm in Salt Lake City out of desperation. After he loses his first casea speeding tickethes convinced his career is over. But to his shock, his boss hands him a slightly more complex case: capital murder.
Brighams new client is Amanda Pierce, a lost, exhausted woman who gunned down the man who tortured and killed her six-year-old daughter. A jury may prove sympathetic to her unbearable pain, but the law is no fan of vigilante justiceand neither is Vince Dale, the slick and powerful prosecutor whos never lost a murder case. Theres no question that Amanda pulled the triggershe did it in front of five witnesses. If she pleads guilty, she will avoid a death sentence, but saving her life this way comes with an admission that what she did was wrong. However, if she refuses the guilty label, Brigham will have no choice but to fight for his careerand Amandas life.
Revised edition: This edition of The Neon Lawyer includes editorial revisions.