Winston Breen says the only thing better than discovering a puzzle is stumping someone else with it. But when his sister uncovers mysterious strips of wood with words and letters on them, even Winston himself is stumped. Soon the whole family (and some friends) are caught up in the mystery and off on a scavenger hunt that just may lead to a ring worth thousands of dollars! Chock-full of puzzles to solve, some tied to the mystery and some not, this treasure hunt will keep readers' brains teased right up to the exciting ending!
Perfect for fans of The Westing Game, exciting mysteries, and, of course, puzzles!
The Puzzling World of Winston Breen
$9.37 - $17.92
- UPC:
- 9780142413883
- Maximum Purchase:
- 3 units
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 2009-04-16
- Release Date:
- 2009-04-16
- Author:
- Eric Berlin
- Language:
- english
- Edition:
- Reprint