Here is a book for all boards:
Those wanting to operate with maximum effectiveness Those needing to clarify exactly what their job is Those wanting to ensure that all members novice and veteran are on the same page with respect to their role and responsibilities
Kay Sprinkel Graces new work will take your board members only one hour to read, and yet theyll come away from The Ultimate Board Members Book with a firm command of just what they need to do to help your organization succeed.
Its all here in jargon-free language: how boards work, what the job entails, the time commitment involved, the role of staff, serving on committees and task forces, fundraising responsibilities, conflicts of interest, group decision-making, effective recruiting, de-enlisting board members, board self-evaluation, and more.
In sum, everything a board member needs to know to understand their role and serve capably is explored.
Real world, not theoretical, concrete not abstract, The Ultimate Board Member's Book focuses on issues and concerns that all board members will inevitably face and grapple with.
This enlightening one-hour read is THE book to which nonprofit organizations in America turn to hone the skills and effectiveness of their boards.