the voice
New Testament
You will fall in love with the Bible in thisbold, new translation and format.
Beautiful:achieves literary andartistic excellence
Sensitive:respects culturalshifts and the need for accuracy
Balanced:includestheologically diverse writers and scholars
Twenty-onenoted Bible scholars and accomplished writers have retold the story of God'slove and redemption of creation. The very best minds available have capturedthe mood and voice of the original New Testament writers, producing a work thatis a uniquely personal engagement with the biblical narrative in all of itsrichness and fullness and dramatic flow. The skills of the scholar and theartist have been blended to create an experience of joy and wonder.
Faithfulto the original, this fresh translation will be difficult for readers to putdown. I encourage both seasoned and new readers of the Bible to further theirstudy of Scripture with The Voice. It will transform yourunderstanding and perhaps even your life.
-Tremper Longman, PhD
Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies / Westmont College
Everygeneration faces the challenge of translating the Bible into the idioms of thatgeneration so that it can communicate with the startling freshness of theoriginal texts. The Voice does just that.
-Alan Culpepper, PhD
Dean, McAfee School of Theology / MercerUniversity
Presentingthe biblical contents in a lyrical and narrative manner is another way ofteaching and preaching the Bibleopening up the opportunity to hear old storiesin a fresh way or allowing one to hear them for the first time in an engagingway.
-Darrell Bock, PhD
Research Professor of NT Studies / DallasTheological Seminary