Traversing the Ethical Minefield: Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility, Second Edition, presents concise coverage of a wide range of ethical issues through a vital and dynamic pedagogy that engages student interest and fuels class discussion.
A fresh approach to teaching Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility, featuring:
- a wide range of coverage in a concise volume
- innovative pedagogy that combines problems, cases, exposition, and thematic notes
- original mini-law review notes organized around recurring themes
- lawyers' roles in representing clients
- the law governing lawyers
- the bounds of the law
- practice pointers
- lawyers and other professionals
- lawyers and clients
- student-friendly and timely problems that explore the Model Rules, Restatement, cases, and materials—and complement both large and small classes
- short stories that explore ethical dilemmas in the context of legal practice
- a detailed Teacher’s Manual that explains every problem and offers policy analysis, additional hypotheticals, and extensive citations to relevant cases and materials
- an annual statutory supplement, available for adoption, with a bound-in CD that includes the full text of each state’s lawyer code
- a new chapter on Control and Communication, including coverage of control in the lawyer-client relationship
- coverage of the revised ABA Code of Judicial Conduct in a new chapter on Judicial Ethics
- an additional series of notes on ethical challenges unique to specialized areas of practice, including pro bono representation, criminal defense, insurance defense, representing organizations, and representing governments
- new cases and narratives dealing with the Revised Model Rules of Professional Conduct
- Cheney v. U.S. District Court and other important recent cases