This easy-to-read textbook provides you with the basic concepts of pathophysiology and the processes of specific diseases with the most accurate, up-to-date information on the treatments, manifestations, and mechanisms of disease. Understanding Pathophysiology, 4th Edition offers complete coverage in clear and concise detail with extensive full-color illustrations to make learning pathophysiology easy.
- Consistent presentation of each disease includes pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and evaluation and treatment to make remembering and learning information easier.
- Extensive collection of 900 photographs and illustrations vividly illustrate normal anatomy and physiology, cellular mechanisms, disease processes, and clinical manifestations of disease.
- UNIQUE! Health Alert boxes discuss a broad range of topics from new research, diagnostic studies, preventative care, and more.
- UNIQUE! Quick Check questions at the end of major sections promote critical thinking to help you apply your knowledge to real-life situations.
- UNIQUE! Risk Factor boxes illustrate the risk factors associated with specific diseases.
- Pediatric content presented in nine separate chapters provides thorough coverage of how various disease processes specifically affect children.
- Special headings highlight aging content within adult chapters to help you address the specialized needs of older patients.
- Did you Understand? end-of-chapter summaries help you review the major concepts presented in each chapter.
- Disease pathways throughout illustrate normal and compensatory physiology and pathophysiology.
- Includes extensively updated content based on the most current research available.
- Approximately 200 new full-color drawings, as well as hundreds of improved illustrations, clarify concepts to make content more easily understandable.
- Over 50 new Health Alert boxes present the most current research available.
- Electronic Resources listed at the beginning of each chapter direct you to additional materials on the companion CD and Evolve site.
- A glossary of over 850 terms helps you learn the often-difficult terminology related to pathophysiology.