Watcher: Are You Ready For His Return?

Marilyn Hickey Ministries

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Is Americaand the worldpoised at a defining moment in history? Are the nations of the world forming political alliances for the fulfillment of end-time prophecies? Are we approaching the end of the world as we know it? That is not only a very great concern of Christians, but of backslidden Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims, literally people all around the world.

There is no question that our world is rushing headlong toward the last days, because sometimes reading the paper is like reading the Bible. Present-day headlines could have been written by Bible prophets thousands of years ago. How could anyone not think that we are approaching the end of the world? However, it is not a season to fear but a time to rejoice. Jesus said that when these things start happening, were to look up because the Rapture (our redemption) is near. (Luke 21:28.)

The original Greek for Rapture has to do with catching away, but not everyone is going to be caught up, only those believers who are ready.

This is wrap-up time. Its wind-up time. The Rapture could occur at any moment. Thats why I believe that this is the season for us to preach the Rapture and teach Bible prophecy. I believe it is the season for Christians to know what is going on and what their role is so theyll be ready when the Rapture occurs. Jesus said, Dont be troubled (Matt. 24:6), but youre going to be troubled if you dont know the truth. In Hosea 4:6 were told, My people [or Christians] are destroyed for lack of knowledge.... But if you know the truth, youre not going to be troubled because youre going to be looking in the right place.

LOOK FOR HIM The terrorist attack of September 11, 2003, has changed our world. This shocking event has polarized the nations into a struggle between good and evil, thus, setting the world stage for the end times. The Rapture, the Antichrist, the Tribulation, Armageddon, the defeat of Satan, and the beginning of Christs reign upon the earth are all end-time events that will be covered in this book.

As we will see, the Bible books of prophecy teach that the Antichrist will try to rule the entire world, but before he takes power, millions of Christiansbut not allwill be removed from our planet. We need to make certain that we are part of the group that is leaving first, the overcoming church. The lukewarm church will not go to heaven in this pre-tribulation Rapture. They must endure three-and-a-half years of the darkest, most difficult period in human historythe second half of the Tribulation.

The battle of Armageddon will be the most terrible battle the world has ever known. Tensand perhaps hundredsof thousands of people will die. The Bible says that there has never been, nor will there ever be, a battle so great.

In the final moments of the war, all will seem to be lost and the Antichrist will appear to have wonto have defeated Israel and her allies. Then, Jesus Christ will break through the clouds to return to earth with an army of saints. Christ Himself will defeat Satan, the Antichrist, and their horde.

Where will you be in that day?

When you become born again, there is no question where your destination is, where you are going. The Bible promises that youre going to go to heaven, but it doesnt promise you that you are going to make the first Rapture. Whether that happens or not has to do with your decision. So if you miss the first Rapture, that doesnt mean youre going to miss heaven, because if you have Jesus in your heart, you are going to heaven. But every Christian is not going in the first Rapture.

Some believers may want to dream that up and think it, but its just not in the Bible. Jesus is coming for those who are looking for Him, and some Christians are not looking for anything but a new car or another woman or another man or another drink.

The purpose of this book is to prepare you to be Raptureready by illustrating Gods plan for the end times and where you fit into it. When you get saved, youre promised heaven. But you make your choice of which Rapture youre going to go in. If youre not taught the Word and what God says, then you wont know the truth. But if you know the truth and you know what it is to be ready for the Rapture, and you decide that youre going to miss the Tribulation, that is your choice.

WHERE IS YOUR WALK? This is not going to be a depressing message, but it is a serious message because this is a serious time were living in. Thousands of years ago God wrote about this time in His Word so that when we would be living in it, we wouldnt be ignorant or afraid when we see these things happen. He wanted us to know that when we have His Son Jesus inside of us, were not a part of Satans plan; were a part of his ultimate defeat.

But many people dont like to study prophecy. Its confusing to them because they read some of it in Ezekiel, they read some in Daniel and in Zechariah, they read the book of Revelation, they read the three chapters in the Gospels that are very prophetic, and they think, What piece goes where, and how does this all fit together?

Well be studying end-time prophecy in this book, and Ive written it so you will understand it. I want it to be simple for you. I dont want you to put this book down and say, This is confusing. My brain is scrambled. I dont know if I can get all this. I want you to say, I see it. Its in the Word. Its clear, so that by the time you finish reading, you will know if you are ready for the pretribulation Rapture or not. There wont be any question in your mind; you will know.

Even if you can just get pieces of it, it will help you to know if you are part of the overcoming church or the slop along church. It will help you to know that this is the revelation of Jesus Christ and who is the true and living God. It will help you to know that we win.

I believe that as you look at this book, the Holy Spirit is going to help and encourage you, but also exhort you and challenge you, on where your walk is in God. Our world has become too dangerous a place to be lukewarm in your relationship with Him and possibly miss the Rapture. So I pray that your heart will be very sensitive to God as you read on, that He will give you revelation knowledge and open the eyes of your understanding so you will see what He has for you in this message.