Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? A Fast, Clear, and Fun Explanation of the Economics You Need For Success in Your Career, Business, and Investments (An Uncle Eric Book)

An Uncle Eric Book

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Richard J. Maybury
English: Published; English: Original Language; English
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This clearly written, award-winning book about economics is a remarkably easy and fun explanation of money (its origin and history), the dollar (its origin and history), investment cycles, velocity, business cycles, recessions, inflation, the demand for money, government (its economic behavior), and more. All explanations and interpretations are according to the Austrian and Monetarist schools of economic theory. Using the epistolary style of writing (using letters to tell a story), author Richard J. Maybury plays the part of an economist (Uncle Eric) writing a series of letters to his niece or nephew (Chris). Using stories and examples (including historical events from Ancient Rome), Mr. Maybury explains economic principles, giving interesting and clear explanations of topics that are generally thought to be too difficult for anyone but experts. Mr. Maybury warns, "Beware of anyone who tells you a topic is above you or better left to experts. Many people are twice as smart as they think they are, but they've been intimidated into believing some topics are above them. You can understand almost anything if it is explained well." Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? is essential for every student, businessperson and investor. It was recommended by the late William Simon, former U.S. Treasury Secretary and is also on many recommended reading lists. Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" can be used for courses in economics, business, finance, government and Ancient Rome. To improve the student's learning experience, also purchase the student study guide for "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" titled "A Bluestocking Guide: Economics" also available through Amazon. Table of Contents for "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" 1. Money: Coins and Paper 2. Tanstaafl, The Romans, and Us 3. Inflation 4. Dollars, Money, and Legal Tender 5. Revolutions, Elections, and Printing Presses Big Mac Index 6. Wages, Prices, Spirals, and Controls 7. Wallpaper, Wheelbarrows, and Recessions A Partial List of Runaway Inflations Boom and Bust Cycle Since the Civil War 8. Fast Money History Repeats 9. Getting Rich Quick 10. The Boom and Bust Cycle Fear Has Become the Driver 11. How Much is a Trillion? The Roaring 90s Federal Debt Chart 12. What's So Bad About the Federal Debt? An Interesting Exercise One Reason Governments Spend So Much 13. Summary What Happened in 2008? The Unknown Shakeout 14. Where Do We Go From Here? 15. Natural Law and Economic Prosperity Nations and Legal Systems Appendix Excerpt from The Long Winter Sutter's Fort Trade Store Sign Comparison of Law Chart Distilled Wisdom The Truth About Inflation The Oil Myth Measures of Money Supply Supply of Dollars Chart Real Wages Real Wages Chart How to Invest in Gold and Silver Resources Movies and Documentaries Websites Financial Newsletters Bibliography and Recommended Reading Glossary Books for Further Study (also available through Amazon) "Economics: A Free Market Reader" edited by Jane A. Williams and Kathryn Daniels "Capitalism for Kids" by Karl Hess "Common Sense Business for Kids" by Kathryn Daniels "Whatever Happened to Justice?" by Richard J. Maybury