Enhance your understanding of radiation physics and radiation protection! Corresponding to the chapters in Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 7th Edition, by Mary Alice Statkiewicz Sherer, this workbook provides a clear, comprehensive review of all the material included in the text. Practical exercises help you apply your knowledge to the practice setting.
It is well written and easy to comprehend . Reviewed by: Kirsten Farrell, University of Portsmouth Date: Nov 2014
- A comprehensive review includes coverage of all the material included in the text, including x-radiation interaction, radiation quantities, cell biology, radiation biology, radiation effects, dose limits, patient and personnel protection, and radiation monitoring.
- Chapter highlights call out the most important information with an introductory paragraph and a bulleted summary.
- A variety of question formats includes multiple choice, matching, short answer, fill-in-the-blank, true-false, labeling, and crossword puzzles.
- Calculation exercises offer practice in applying the formulas and equations introduced in the text.
- Answers are provided in the back of the book so you can easily check your work.