Evangelismo es. . . contiene cuarenta breves captulos con contenido innovador, altamente eficaz, facultador e incentivador para todos los que se consideran listos para testificar de Jess de una manera ms apasionada y confiada ante los dems. Cada captulo es un llamado a la accin en s mismo pero puede asociarse fcilmente con los dems, y todos ellos completan la oracin que comienza con el ttulo del libro. Por ejemplo, el evangelismo es... gozosamente embriagante, la verdadera razn de la vida, el desafo supremo de esta generacin, llevar a las personas a una verdadera conversin, lavar los pies de los dems, orar para que los hijos prdigos vuelvan a casa, empatizar con la accin, defender tu fe de una manera lgica, una cuestin de familia, etc.
Asimismo, el apndice del libro incluye artculos sobre lo que no es el evangelismo, lo que era el evangelismo en la iglesia primitiva y cmo testificar de Jess, ms algunos modelos de planes para testificar de nuestra fe.
Evangelism Is . . . contains forty brief chapters of high-octane, rut-breaking equipment, empowerment, and encouragement for all who are ready to share Jesus more passionately and confidently with others. Each call-to-action entry stands alone but can easily be connected to other chapters, all of them finishing the sentence that begins with the books title. For example, Evangelism Is . . . Joyfully Intoxicating, The Real Business of Life, The Supreme Challenge of This Generation, Leading People to True Conversion, Washing Feet, Praying Prodigals Home, Empathy with Action, Giving a Logical Defense of Your Faith, A Family Affair, etc.
The books appendix also includes articles on what evangelism is not, evangelism in the early church, and sharing Jesus, plus sample plans for sharing ones faith.
Asimismo, el apndice del libro incluye artculos sobre lo que no es el evangelismo, lo que era el evangelismo en la iglesia primitiva y cmo testificar de Jess, ms algunos modelos de planes para testificar de nuestra fe.
Evangelism Is . . . contains forty brief chapters of high-octane, rut-breaking equipment, empowerment, and encouragement for all who are ready to share Jesus more passionately and confidently with others. Each call-to-action entry stands alone but can easily be connected to other chapters, all of them finishing the sentence that begins with the books title. For example, Evangelism Is . . . Joyfully Intoxicating, The Real Business of Life, The Supreme Challenge of This Generation, Leading People to True Conversion, Washing Feet, Praying Prodigals Home, Empathy with Action, Giving a Logical Defense of Your Faith, A Family Affair, etc.
The books appendix also includes articles on what evangelism is not, evangelism in the early church, and sharing Jesus, plus sample plans for sharing ones faith.