The Binge Cure: 7 Steps To Outsmart Emotional Eating

Adler Press

$21.63 - $30.22
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Savelle-Rocklin, Nina
English: Published; English: Original Language; English
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If you lose control over food and are tired of obsessing over every bite, youre not weak or a failure; youre just trapped in a negative coping strategy. Now, theres a new way to beat Binge Eating Disorder. If youre dealing with binge eating or have an unhappy, unhealthy relationship with food, know this: your behavior has nothing to do with willpower or control, and its not about food addiction. The Binge Cure will teach you exactly how to create permanent and sustainable change. Discover how to banish bingeing, stop emotional eating and create a life of freedom, purpose, and joy. If youve been stuck in a continuous cycle of dieting and bingeing, dont worry, there is hope. Dr. Nina shares the successful tools she has used in her successful private practice and coaching programs to help people all over the world heal their relationship with food. Learn how to crack the code of emotional eating, get yourself out of a diet-binge trap, identify your hidden triggers, express your feelings, and make lasting changes with these powerful strategies that will help you stop binge eating, lose weight, and gain health. Discover which emotions you are feeling based on the type of foods you are bingeing with The Food-Mood Formula. Using the approach in this book you can overcome compulsive eating, weight fluctuations, and those seemingly unstoppable food cravings. If you feel stuck, as if areas of your life are on hold until you get a handle on food, there is hope for lasting change. Filled with illuminating case examples and concrete exercises, this self-help book will change your life. The Binge Cure will help you break through your emotional hunger to satisfy your real cravings and learn how to truly comfort yourself--without food. WHO SHOULD BUY THIS BOOK? This book is specifically created for those who feel out of control around food. This is for you if you: Struggle with Binge Eating Disorder Want to stop the diet-binge cycle Eat your emotionsany emotions! Feel guilt and shame after you eat Find yourself Binge Eating at night Want to lose weight without dieting Food freedom awaits. Its time to ditch your inner critic, stop the fat talk, and be a real friend to yourself with the help of this self-help book. Instead of focusing on what you weigh, focus on what's weighting on you. If something is bothering you, you cant starve it away or stuff it down--and you cannot measure your true value on a bathroom scale. Get ready to break the diet habit and make peace with food--and yourself so you can lead a binge-free happy life.